Tuesday, May 4, 2010

JANTUNG berdegup

tomorrow my last day to revise the notes 
a lil bit stress
still need to study audit & far 2 tonight n tomorrow!

oh AUDIT! 6 May 2010  
Oh oH Oh jantung ku berdegup kencang takut

U have to study day to day
Then U will be able to rightly divide the word of truth
Studying the word will be Ur only proof
chaiyokk wan! u can do it!

p/s: gudluck nadira aka bunbin yg akn berperang dgn 
paper AUDIT hr nih pkl2pm (time dublin) rasanya.


Nadira Azman said...

betul laaa tuh

onethebomb! said...

waaahh..bgus kiraan jari aku nih!hahahha...
dah2 jgn nk mabuk dgn anuar ibrahim plak..jwb exm btul2..haha

chawyna said...

jantung aku pun berdegup or hati aku berdegup. aku pun xsure weyyy. hahahaha, yang penting aku confused!

onethebomb! said...

hahaha..wana xperlu confuse skunk..nsb xmsuk exam psl nih!klaux sure kau xtau nk bulatkn mn 1 jawapan dia..haha..

chawyna said...

wannnnnn, xperlu la cuti sem sampai 13/6/2010. sampai 6/6/2010 aje yerrr. hahaha

onethebomb! said...

hahaha....bg aku smpi 13/5 sbb 1st week xstdy sgt..hahahhahaha...kn nk g penang..kahkah :P

chawyna said...

kem salam org penang laa nnt. =)

onethebomb! said...

hahha..klau jadi p la kn!xsure lg wey..