Thursday, April 3, 2014

19. Moody


Today is Thursday and tomorrow dah Friday thn Saturday :) I'm counting a days for my vacation on this middle of April. Holiday mode is ON, seriously so so stress lately so i need a place that can cheer me up.

Okay, this few days rasa tak ada mood lansung. I'm totally moody all the time, I felt so lost and blank, I'm not sure what is the reason behind of this feeling. Maybe pertukaran hormon ehh haha.
moody moody pun sibuk nak selfie

Not in mood to talks,
Not in mood to hold my phone,
Not in mood to reply any text from anyone and of course t'paksa reply just for my family

I seriously don't know what I'm thinking about.
Too sorry everyone cause i'm not replying ur text.

I hope > May ALLAH ease my life journey.

Ya ALLAH berikanlah aku ketenangan hatidan jauhilah perkara yang tidak baik jika bakal berlak dan lindungilah ahli keluargaku. Amen Ya Rabb

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